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NinjaKKN last won the day on November 7 2017

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  1. I thought OP broke up already since they both maintained they're just normal siblings. But a fan just commented on her IG about seeing her in Hua Hin with a p'ek. I guess Om tagged along on Preaw's trip with her girlfriends. Normal siblings, sure!!

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    2. honda


      Considering Om's track record, I'm surprise they're still together.

    3. NinjaKKN


      555 I think they have similar personalities. From their personal interviews, they both value their personal space and freedom in a relationship. They're both not clingy people. Om doesn't like girls that talk a lot and like to nag him about his whereabouts and Preaw doesn't like to nag anyone so it works out. According to their sign compatibility, their signs are considered to be soulmate. LMAO I'm not surprised they're still together but I will be surprised if they last.

    4. asher13


      Preaw seems gain some weight so maybe she's happily in love right now. That's good for her but I do hope she will find sometime to go back to gym. She does need some workouts judging from her recent photos. Lol I will be surprised too if they last. But she's too young to settle down so I highly doubt that lol.

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