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Kimix last won the day on January 23 2018

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  1. Has anyone here been keeping up with the shooting of Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri? In my honest reaction, it's another hate crime where a white officer shoots down a black person.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ASH30


      Sometimes, it is not about race. Mr Brown is such a huge man and the police officer is not that big. There was supposed to be a fight between them, with Mr. Brown trying to reach for the officer's gun. The only thing is, when an officer is in this kind of situation there is no second guessing. Because at the end of the day, they want to return safely home to their family.

    3. Mai


      Usually police when they shot to kill, one bullet. Maybe the officer was panicking

    4. Kimix


      Even if the officer was intimidated by his act, no teen deserves multiple shots like that. It's wrong. However, believe it or not, this won't be the first or last case of a black teen getting shot multiple times. This white cop really needs to be retrained and punished. You cannot murder a teen and get away so easily. That is inhumanely cruel.

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