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About tovsleeptov

  • Birthday January 18

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  1. I’m tempting to give “squid game” a try to see what’s all the hype. But it’s just not my type of show. 

    1. Sunny


      I wanna see it too but I'm just not in the dark mode yet however I know that if I start I'll get addicted lol. Most Korean series never crease to disappoint.

    2. tovsleeptov


      Yea it’s dark and look depressing. I don’t want to feel bad seeing them die. But I’m curious to know the game they play and stuff lol 

    3. tovsleeptov


      I got really bored and finally watch Squid game lol
      it’s sick and depressing just like I thought it would be. But brilliant and interesting in a way that kept me wanting to find out more. The acting is amazing as always from Korean actors.  I like that I watch it with my husband and my mom and that got me enjoy it a little more. I don’t like most of it but I would love to see season 2 lol 

  2. self-quarantine is a good time to catch up all the dramas/movies! 

    but what to watch? I'm so used to everything, nothing seem exciting anymore... 

    only my own lakorn that I made them up in my head lol

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      your country is doing better than u.s. the spreading is still way behind. which is good to start practicing on social distancing. 

    3. Sunny


      Wait I read you guys are going up into the million soon! Omg I hope you guys will get over this and get it under control soon!

    4. tovsleeptov


      our government don't do shit lol. I doubt those number aren't real. a lot of people sick and died yea. but that Manny people died everyday, where did they put all the body? need to see some proof to believe it. 

  3. Coronavirus is not slowing down. Seeing everyone panic and start stocking up food making me kinda scare. I pray we are not heading that way 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. tovsleeptov


      this getting real bad. what a sad world we are living in. how much time would it take for thing to go back to normal? or will it even go back to normal? look at Italy, too many ppl sick that nurse and doctor have to choose who to saved and who they have to let go :(. we are heading that way in a few weeks if this keep up...

    3. LyLy


      Europe is more effected because they have one of the oldest elder population.  I'm hoping 2-3 months this will be all over... alot of countries are curing the vaccines.

    4. Sunny


      What we need now is people staying calm and stay inside, it'll help so much.

  4. Has anybody here been to New York before? Is it worth visiting? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shampoo


      Actually, New York is popular for its use of taxi and especially underground train station. It will take you from point a to point b and required some walking distance. Even some well off people will take the train. We were on a train with these two well dress father and son using the train with all their golfs equipment. lol It is the most convenient way of transportation and faster then you can uber or taxi to your destination. It's cheaper that way. However, New York City has changed so much within a few years. Their train station pass has changed and confusing. 

    3. tovsleeptov


      yes, I did looking up on YouTube on how to use the subway, even download the city map lol. having to walk to the train station, 10 mins to the train station, and another 10 from the station to the destination is not bad, but 20 mins to the station nah. I feel that taxi is better for a 20-30 mins walk eh? or we can just walk lol. looking at building and shop make 30 mins walk go by pretty fast.

    4. shampoo


      Train station is everywhere within walking distance, at every corner. But those are smaller line so if you want to go somewhere farther, you will have to stop by the bigger station to switch line. Sometimes it's hard to take taxi due to the traffic there.  lol First year went, bought that package book for $150 dollars... I think it was $150 or less, don't remember but I thought that book was well worth it. I went to almost all of those place and you either get it at a better discount or some of them are free if you bought that book. Second time, only went for the weekend so it was more of relaxing and not doing much of touristy stuff. 

  5. Congrats to Mew! That is one huge diamond ring. 

  6. “Alita Battle Angel” must have a sequel!! 

  7. So Janie’s bf proposed. I don’t know anything about those two but Congrats to both of them ?

  8. just saw the trailer of “Mr. Sunshine” another project of Kim Eun Sook and the same derictor who made Dots and Gublin. Just the song alone gave me goosebumps lol. I’m so gonna watch this one. Been hook in book and game for awhile :D 

    1. Sunny


      She does a lot of good series, will she be able to do it again :)

  9. Merry Christmas everyone ^_^  Wow it’s been so long I almost forgot my password lol.

  10. So many upcoming lakorns that looks so good!!! I can't wait.

    1. sunnyaucheung


      2017 should be good. I'm looking forward to both ch7 and ch3 lakorns.

  11. Omg Trump is in the lead!!!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ASH30
    3. Sunyah


      Same here I'm disappointed Trump. I thought Clinton would have got this in the end but sad. Anyway now the Republicans won the President, Senate, and the House. I'm more shock that Republicans got control of the Senate, and the House.

    4. honda


      Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

  12. Do we have a thread for Karn La Krang Neung Nai Hua Jai ? I come across that Lakers, anyone know if it airs yet? I couldn't find the episode.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunny


      Its in the 'Previously Aired' In our Lakorn section because it ended.

    3. tovsleeptov


      Thanks Sunny. Havent watch any drama since Nirvana, then this one catch my eye.

    4. NinjaKKN


      I miss my Ah Biao.

  13. Fifty shade darker trailer look so hot! I can't wait.

    1. NinjaKKN


      The first part wasn't even good. Lol

  14. I'm craving for a good slap-kiss lakorn staring Nadech T_T!!

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