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[News] Por Thisadee passed away


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I only watch lakorn with the end sub available since i dont know the language and i think i only watch one of Por's drama. Hearing a good thing about him make me sad that such a great guy like him gone too early.

While reading the others comment, I must admit that I did not agree with his decision to hide his marriage. When i told my friend, she make me remind on the book that I ready previously on love. The book said ideal loves is the love that come from both heart and brain but as human,naturally we either loves with our heart or with brain and its hardly from both. I maybe not understand his decision because i mainly use the brain to analyse the situation.

For Por and his wife, their loves most probably come from the heart.when it come from heart, its a decision others can understand but it is the happiest moment of their lifes. They know the consequent if the secret is blown but they lives for that moment and will not regret it. The same goes to the family and the fans. they know the truth but keep it silent because they truly loves por from their heart. We might be agree and disagree but the fact that the disagreement centered with the worries of his wife and his daughter is a prove of our loves towards him

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Por seems like a very chill and laid back kind of guy who's not in your face like of a celebrity. I understand why he was very private with his personal life. He did it to protect his wife, to allow her to still have a normal life instead of having to be thrown into the limelight and have her moves judged all the time. He did it to protect Nong Mali, so he can enjoy his time with her at this innocent age. Celebrities today are not like they used to be 10 years ago. With so many social media and stuff, their every move is being critique all the time. I'm so proud of Por and Bow for protecting Nong Mali all this time. I would have done the same thing. Look at what's happening now, he's gone but people will be digging into Bow's past and taking pictures of Mali every's move. I'm so sad he's not here to protect them anymore but as fans, please respect his wishes. Protect them as he would wanted to. Someday Nong Mali will know about her father, I hope she will be able to say that he had the greatest of fans who protected her. I'm very sad for Bow, to lose her husband so young. Not sure if she was married before but if so, then it's even more sad as we know how Asian culture can be when a woman has more than one husband, it's like drown upon. I pray that people don't shun her and make her out to wear the Scarlet Letter. I say this again, I'm very proud and respectful that Por lived a good life, married a good woman, had a beautiful girl, and left behind a legacy for his child. Someday she will be proud.

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Hiding them made them become fresh meat because they come out at the most tragic times. Which is right because at least they didn't hide throughout and only just came out during his funeral but still. Because the media have not seen her and his daughter since the beginning, coming out now just made them almost like an instant star.

At least people adore them and not hate them, right?

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I still don't buy the excuse that he kept them private to protect them. What grave danger would they be in? All Thai celebrities go public with their marriage and I don't see any harm done to their families. They can still remain out of the public eye. The reason the press won't leave them alone now is because they were kept a secret. His marriage became a scandal. His death was tragic because he died of the deadly virus. I just find it ironic that people hate on the Chinese stars for keeping their wives and families private, yet make excuses for Por. What makes his case different? Because he's sick? Because now he died? I treat every case equally. If I think it's selfish and unmanly for the Chinese stars to keep their families a secret then the same applies to Por. Him being sick and now passing away is not going to excuse and make me feel any differently. There is a child involved. That's what inexcusable to me. In Thai schools they have these events where even on Father's Day you bring your father in, so what would she do when she enters school? Is she suppose to live a secret for the rest of her life?

I am confident that if he didn't get sick and didn't pass away, a lot of people would be calling him all sorts of names for hiding his wife and child.

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Ok I checked his profile. She's turning 3 this October.

So she is a former news broadcaster. They have been dating for over a decade. Yet she was married and was pregnant in her previous marriage. So if they've dated for over 10 years how old was she during her first marriage and pregnancy? It didn't say if she conceived but said she was married and pregnant before her marriage to him. They signed the legal papers 3 years ago in 2556 - 2013. It also said through the years they've questioned him about his marriage and child and he's always denied any truth to the claims

Maybe when she was still working as a reporter?

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No idea what kind of reporter. Her career details are on his wiki though Noy. But their dating details the manager was the one who confirmed it. So apparently she was pregnant before marriage because the manager stated they did consider a wedding but then changed their mind because they wanted the child to be part of the event. And no their reasons for keeping it a secret was not for the sake of privacy, they claim that Bow was waiting for the appropriate time to reveal thr child to the public. So again like I have been saying all along it has nothing to do with wanting privacy but rather to protect their image, perhaps for both sides. Their wait became something permanent though. She's only 33 according to one article, but she doesn't refer to Por as p'Por. I think she looks older than him. So if they dated for more than 10 years, let's assume just 10. And now married for 3 years. She was 20 or younger during her first marriage,

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Awwww...why is this a big deal now. So he hid his daughter and wife a secret. I don't know, maybe he has good reason. Plus he's not the type of celebrity who is always in the news for stupid things anyway so it's not entirely his fault if the media didn't get a wind of this personal life. I'm sure they would have figure out if they dug deep enough, it wasn't like he was hiding them at home, there are pictures of them everywhere on outings. Also, yes her marriages and timing of them are strange to me too but who cares. Asians get married young, it's just not as common here in the USA/Canada because we are too focus on our career first. Also, if they had dated for over 10 years and she was pregnant with Mali before they got married, no big deal!!! They are adults.....

As for Mali, she's only 2. My son is 2, almost going on 3 and he is just as active as her. Children are usually closer to their moms at this stage and because Por was in the hospital for awhile, she probably doesn't understand that he passed. For children this young, they don't understand yet. She probably thinks her daddy went to work or is still sleeping at the hospital. My son thinks his daddy is always working whenever my husband is not around. To their innocent mind, mom and dad went to work and will come back later. So nope, she probably doesn't understand yet. However, it's not like Bow is keeping it a secret, she brings Mali up to the coffin and to see his picture. It's just that she is still too young to know. I think it's good this way, for her to retain her good memories of daddy and not have to deal with her daddy's passing. That way Bow can grieve properly without having to worry about Mali too. Sure, she will know someday but by then it will be long enough that she won't be so traumatized by it.

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Well I don't think fans care very much about when and why Por didn't mention his marriage. Right now he is gone and for them getting close to Mali and Bow is another way to get to Por. I just think he died too young and he never get a chance to his daughter grow or walk her down the asile.

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His fans do care because they keep defending his decision and making it sound like such a saintly act. It's a big deal because his fans make it a big deal to keep bringing it up. It's not like I'm making mention of it on my own. Fans are not scrutinizing him because they pity him. If fans don't want the subject brought up anymore then they need to stop bringing it up,

As for her past, it's not important, at least not to me. I only read about it looking for the daughters age.

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Fans need to stop being in denial. The press didnt get get candids or a piece of his private life of him not because they respect his privacy, but because he wasnt famous enough for them to care. I mean come on now, Kim and Mark make news for simple comments to each other. If Por is not making any news, then obviously hes not famous enough to make headlines.

I see fans go back and forth, from hes such a good person thats why the press knew but chose to respect his privacy and keep his secret for him. Then the next moment, ohh no wonder he kept them a secret, because look at how the press is hounding his wife and kid now. What is it? Its one or the other. Obviously the press knew, but they didnt care to dig deeper because like it or not Por was not that famous before the tragedy.

Does anyone remember when Num Sornram hit and killed a person because he claimed he was taking prescription drugs? Remember the circus at the mans funeral? Yes when there is a tragedy of this sort, it will attract attention. Only when people die of old age or natural causes that they get to die peacefully.

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I think the media just didn't dig deep enough since he wasn't as popular in the same way like Mark, Nadech, etc. I feel like the older generation actors and actresses are not in the news as much as the younger generation. Either way, he's gone now so it doesn't matter to me. I don't get why fans and media or whoever is making it a big deal. These celebrities are human beings, they have their own lives. They don't owe it to us to showcase their personal lives outside of work. Yeah yeah, they are in the public eyes but maybe it's just me. I don't need to know their every move as long as they are happy and is coming out with a new lakorn and such. I agree with above comment that by being close to Bow and Mali, fans get to grieve and still feel connected to Por.

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if anything its not being made a big deal as much as it normally would because people pity that hes gone. If he was around and didnt get sick he would probably get a lot of backlash, because he didnt just keep it a secret, he lied about it. Its mostly fans praising his choice to keep it his family a secret thats made it into a deal here at spicy, because every time someone will agree and disagree then it becomes a debate.

If his wife wants privacy, now would be the right time. Instead shes still very much active on social media. I dont blame her, but it just proves to me that privacy was never an issue. So now I cant even say the press and fans need to leave her alone. Shes now living a very public life not because shes forced to, but by choice.

A lot of the older generation actors do generate news. Before there was mark and nadech there were others making headlines. Just that it wasnt Por because Pors popularity died long ago, and he wasnt that famous to begin with. Por is not that old, hes born 1980, so hes still very much young, as young as Pope

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in this video there was a psychic who predicted he will have a BIG accident again and now this happened


here's a video of where he says he wants to marry her but she doesn't want to marry him, so he never DENIED not wanting to marry her and he said he's ready to marry her but she doesn't want to. And he said he wants to have children first and then get married.

Edited by tinav101805
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