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[Clips] CH 3 46th Anniversary: Love Mission


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they rehearsal until late too today i wonder how they will be tomorrow they seems they barely can have a good sleep, i'm tired in their place :m187:*hihe*

btw are they gonna perform some scene or a little show for their lakorns i saw mark and nadech wawa and top and others too practicing it

Edited by dhaf
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whoa! see my boo's FC already claiming their seats!!! Lol. *hihe**^lol**muha*

I wish I could be there man! Srsly! I wonder if I could make it next year! oh--man, it would be so exciting!!!!!! :fight::i45:*gg**gg*

This is a free event and its one of the BIGGEST live and free concert too. lol. Wow. People in Thailand who dont go must miss out a great deal!!!!!

How can foreigners go? lol. Any connection? lol

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I wouldn't go just coz it's over 100 degrees and I will literally die in weather like that. They should change the date of the bday celebration just for that really. Why die for a parade.... ahahhaa there was some ny drama earlier coz ny looked a little out of it and grumpy but people didn't even consider that they've been working all night, got up early for work, and now they got to rehearse for hours in the heat. I'd be in a stank mood too ahhahaha And mk had drama with the admins running around trying to get people to delete the vid of mark petting kim ahhahaha but you know who's okay mint and mark hahahah kinda... jj just posted a pic of all of stars and it's the first time mark and mint are in the same frame hahaha but you know 10 feet apart. Progress is progress ahahaha

Costume preview still weird but looks like better quality than last year.



Cr. kongkiat

Don't know what they're doing ahhahah but they were practicing an action scene around this team. This parade will also have performances to demonstrate scenes from the lakorn. Don't think there's a kluen Cheevit float coz Yaya is with llsr float and there is a buang Athitan float.


Ice and Yaya. Didn't see tor there yesterday.


Cr. ice preechaya
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100 degrees :lostit2:*skc* i pity them even more now *burn**burn* and i agree the costumes seems a little better than last year

btw i had that clip of mark petting kim cause i knew they will delete it so i upload it to fin on my own whenever i see it , he was sooo swweeettt *lil**lil**lu*

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saw that picture with Mark and Mint 10 ft apart too LOL haahahhahaha You know Mint has given multiple interviews that she's over everything and willing to work with Mark because everything is "over." haahahahhaah but I don't think Kimmy likes that lmaooooo. And I think Mark is cool though. But I wouldn't like it if I were Kimmy lmaooooo! I want my man away from someone with a heated history and beef. Lol!

Seriously Mark and Kim, why you going to be so sweet! Lol! In your own world. hahaha :) dhaf, and u just have to spoil me! Lmao!!!! *shy**lil**lil**lil*:Spicy_05:*hihe**hihe*


5555555555555555555 this picture is hilarious!

A fans caption was, 'what ya think, Barry?' (Just look at his face) Implying jealousy lmaoooooo :omg5:*muha*


I have many more pictures coming! *lol!*

cr. ch3lakorn

These two when together ALWAYS makes such a beautiful pair! *lol!**muha*:omg5: Seriously, just go out for once! *ha5* I'd like to see them work together in a lakorn for sure!!


Edited by Kimix
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Damn. I was not aware they were all in one big group rehearsing for a show together. Lol. Srsly. Haha.

Mark is literally behind Kim. Mint on the right. lol Haha. Damn! Honestly, how comfortable were they though?

I guess no big deal cuz MK were still delivering their part sweetly. lol

cr. mints mom lol


The girls <3


Just wanna share how these fcs claim these seatings. LOL. *hihe**muha**lol!*


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I'm very excited to see this event. Everyone seems to have a good time rehearsing their parts. I can't wait to see Jamesma/Mint and Mario/Mint together in their parts.

Eeeek Mario behind Mint ❤❤❤ the feeling of them as partners FIN MAK

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