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[Pictures] Kwan & Golf return


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So it's official official? These two knock head kids are giving it one more shot? Or is there bigger reason they being so showy lol becus before we know it they stop being this flashy about one another and news outlet will come out saying they broken up and then we gonna have them two come out and say" how we Gna break up we ain't never even together" BS lmao. So annoying on both parts lol the news and them. Smh.

And before someone says "how can they not be together just look at them and their pics it's shouting bf / gf " cus we all know better than that lol them thai celeb folks Gna spin on it real quick lol I want them to admit it full blown come out on tv news and proclaim their love lmao yeah I won't get that but still lmao ugh. I wish them well tho they are cute and Kwan is awfully pretty!

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Even though Golf isn't my favorite person and I adore Kwan, I am happy she has found someone who seems to be making her very happy. But honestly, they expose their relationship too much to the point that at some point it looks fake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

They are cute! & is on the honeymoon phase of the relationship lol it Gna get bumpy soon Lolol

I remember these stages of relationships. Smh. I swear I wanted to stay on honeymoon level forever but nope lol

I remember these stages of relationships. Smh. I swear I wanted to stay on honeymoon level forever but nope lol

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