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[Article] Kwan's Mom Don't Think Of Exposing Daughter; Just Want Sympathy


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After causing confusion as to what has happened with the family of nang'ek, Kwan Usamanee, because last night on October 7th in the Instagram of @kwanusa there’s a user by the name of momkwanusa2, which everyone knows is Mom Pranee Wittayanon. She posted the message “If you’re free please call me back. Please pick up my call as well.” That message got deleted. And in the Instagram of @momkwanusa2 there was a post “Nong Kwan ka, if you’re free please call your mom. We haven’t talked for a while. Do you still remember my number?” It also got deleted. The only post left is “Being mom and daughter will remain forever. If you can’t save your relationship life, please take good care of your life.”

Recently on October 8th, Mom Pranee gives an interview via Matichon Online that she didn’t think what she posted would be a big issue.

“It’s a normal message because I wanted to talk with her. I want the person (s) by her side to have sympathy for an old woman at home. I don’t know the movement of my daughter at all right now, aside from following her IG,” says Kwan’s mom.

“In the past everyone knows how close Kwan is with me. Think about how I took care of her, taught her since she was little, and once the flower blossomed, other people picked it and put it in a vase beautifully and place it anywhere they wish.”

“Right now I’m living with my dogs. Our family has few members left. Lookkaew got married already. I can’t contact Kwan at all. The only way I can contact her is via IG and what do you want me to do. I want her to know that I am sorry. Her sister returned from abroad for 3 weeks already, we still haven’t had dinner together yet. This is not right.”

“I'm not in a coma to not be aware, not feel anything. I posted via IG. It’s a communication between a mom and her daughter.”

As for the changes that happened with her daughter, Nang Pranee says she doesn’t want to go into details but she wants sympathy from the person (s) close to Kwan including some fans that are cheering to consider what’s right and appropriate.

“I understand the feeling that the fanclub have toward their favorite celebrities but celebrities are people. They’re not dolls. They’re not objects that you want them to be this way or you just want to see the beauty onscreen without caring about other things.”

How do you feel that people see your post as a way of exposing your daughter? She assures that this is not the case. As for the person (s) by Kwan’s side that she mentioned, she doesn’t want to name anyone but she believes the person knows it well and she wants to say if the person really loves and wishes Kwan well, don’t damage Kwan more than this.

“And I want to ask Kwan, do you still remember my teaching? I want to tell Kwan that I’m her mom and blood is thicker than water. Don’t be strayed by the persuasive words of the people around her.”

Mom Pranee also reiterates that Kwan is a good kid but right now people close to her are changing her life.

“The master she received is academic but her mental health is weak. She doesn’t have a dad. She only has a mom. But lately there are people telling her not to let me go to the set. I’m 61 years old already. Let me stay home and take care of the dogs. Kwan is accepting works on her own right now. From before, it was my duty. Think about it. Will I be sad?”

“As for people thinking that I want the money from Kwan’s work. Frankly, I do want it. But ask who am I keeping everything for. Because the time left for me to use the money is not much. How do I live my life? Do I use expensive stuffs? I’m not wrong in protecting my daughter this much.”

She has sought advices from the elders at Ch7 regarding what has happened.

“I am not crazy. I am not seeking attention but I’m asking for sympathy from the people close to Kwan that she has a mom,” says Kwan’s mom.

Source: http://www.matichon.co.th/news/313465

Kwan is not on speaking term with her mom at the moment. Golf probably has a lot to do with this since Kwan's mom doesn't want him to date Kwan and also the money issue of Kwan's family. Kwan makes all the money but she can't even use her own money because it's tightly controlled by her mom. From this thread, http://pantip.com/topic/35680293there's a leaked line between Golf and Kwan's very close fan. It seemed like Golf wanted to transfer money to Kwan's account because she doesn't have any money to use at that time.

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Wow...that's crazy. Has Kwan every been happy with golf before without all this family drama? It is unfortunate that she can't get along with her mom...but Kwan has worked hard her life so she should able to do what she wants with the money she earned.

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Everything I read about her family and with the way they act, they honestly just seem greedy, manipulative and out for money. Like they have no consideration for Kwan at all. As a celeb her image and rep is important but whenever she doesn't do what they tell her to they air out their issues publicly. Look at what her mom said, its emotional blackmail. Trying to pull people on her side to make Golf and Kwan look bad and pressure Kwan into doing what she wants.

The only part that seemed genuine was where she said that she wanted money. She just wants to control Kwan and keep the money flowing.

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All kwan's mom and sis think is all money money money..

Kwan's bussiness money also go to her sis not kwan... http://pantip.com/topic/35676514/desktop(comment no. 108 from kwan's closest fan the one that golf asking kwan's acc no.)

People guessing that new ig of her mom create and post by her sis. http://pantip.com/topic/35677172/desktop

Edited by suk13_karn
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The sis can study overbroad witj kean's money but kwan just study in thailand. The sis can live happily with husband and left mother in thailand but kwan cannot go out with bf because hava to stay with mother only. Sister just use money only but kwan have to work hard to give mother and sister. Not sure the money will give sister 40000Bath per month or not or the sister get keep her money herself.

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U mean golf? No the condo not bought buy kwan Holf bpught it sonce last year before he seeing kwan kust one person use social medoa to commemt bad about golf use kwan money. That's why after that kwan's closest fan ppst her line between her(fan) and golf, golf asking for kwan acc no to transfer money to kwan (it show that golf the one who give kwan) Golf family more rich than Kwan though.

Most of people on Kwan's side, all bashing goes to motget and sister. And again like last time after put the bomb the sister flight back to australia.

Kwan got event today sure tge reporter will go ask her abt it.

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Thanks for the explanation. I honestly feel so bad for I'm glad people are on her side. I always side eye parents that rely financially on their kids and make them the sole bread winners, its one things if they are relying on their adult sons/daughters but Kwan has been doing it since she was child, they have no excuse for keeping the money she's making.

“As for people thinking that I want the money from Kwan’s work. Frankly, I do want it. But ask who am I keeping everything for. Because the time left for me to use the money is not much. How do I live my life? Do I use expensive stuffs? I’m not wrong in protecting my daughter this much.”

Does her mom not realise how incredibly selfish she sounds? You're not "protecting" your daughter, you're controlling and suffocating her because you want her money.

I've been seeing clips of her on Woody with her mom on twitter. What did she say on it?

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Omg... I hope she gets to CONTROL HER LIFE! I understand that she was taught to have to support the family, but she's almost 30 and she's still on allowance? Allowance taken from her own earnings? Hell no, I can't imagine living like that. It should be the other way around where her sister and mom are on allowance... What more do they want? why is she supporting the sister? She can't ask her husband for money? Hahaha my god her sister is selfish and just embarrassing. dang I feel horrible for Kwan... Working all your life with nothing to show for it... First thing she needs to do is start to control her money and basically shift the mental and emotional power.... I'm sure that's easier said than done as she respects her family a lot and she wasn't raised to be independent it seems...The part about being pregnant though! WTF

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Props to her for holding it all in so well, I thought she was definitely gunna break down. Love her response when they asked if she was pregnant! I can't believe her mom aired their dirty laundry like this Bc she's only gettin half of kwans earnings now like really? And her sister wouldn't let her take the money to start a lipstick line, but that's her money, idk why they blame golf saying he's a bad influence either, Kwan needs to be able to control her own earnings and if he did influence her good for him lol she's not a little girl anymore, almost 30 years old living on an allowance.

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Did her mom say that she was pregnant? Wow her family is so bad. Why don't they work? Maybe they'd appreciate it more of they actually worked for t instead of leeching off Kwan. I can't imagine having so little control over my life/ earnings, and I'm only 21! Kwan is nearly 30. The situation is even more ridiculous because it HER money, yet she can't access it or manage it.

Is Kwan still paying for her sister even though she's married? Don't tell me she has to pay her sister AND brother in law?? What did she say about her dad?

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I don't know she still give money to sister or not but now her Lauzi bussimess is under her sister. And kwan want to do a other lipstic bussiness but mother anf sistrr don't eat to give the amount of money that kean adk, so now she have to manage her own work so that she can have money for her ne bussiness. But shr still will give half to her mom.

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