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[Article] Kwan's Mom Don't Think Of Exposing Daughter; Just Want Sympathy


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Wow her interview is heartbreaking. I don't think she is going to stop providing for her family either. She said over and over again after her dad passed away, there's no one she can depend on to take as the role of the provider as herself. it would have be great if you don't have leeches in your family. Lukkaew is not going to be able to support herself she is so use to the life of the luxury and so depend on Kwan to support her living. Having a husband is not going to change either when she still think her family have money and if he can't provide her she will come back to Kwan.

As for her mother I hope she turns around before she lose everything she love. she is not going to gain any sympathy because she is not a superstar.

As for Lauzi business when Kwan came out and said it not my business anymore...that's pretty much kill the image and profit of the company. Everyone know this business is Kwan but now is not. Not many people like kwan's sister.

For her lipstick business I think she will succeed because Kwan is known to where bright and colorful lipstick. Everyone want to be beautiful like her.

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Because the word "family" means a lot to me, I do not suggest Kwan cut ties with hers but I do think Kwan should cut her sister off financially, continue to provide for her mom but not st the rate of giving her 50% of Kwan's income. If Kwan paid or is paying for everything, mom does not need that much money to live a comfortable life.

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From the first time I saw her in a show, I liked Kwan. She always seemed so nice and strong. I just hope she can become strong too when it coms to deciding for herself.

The mom is saying this is all out of love but what will happen when she (soon) dies? Poor little helpless Kwan will be left all alone and she will never have learned to decide for herself: how is that helping her??? I'd rather have a tiger mom who pushes me out of the nest!!!

I really must like Kwan to come back online after all this time :)

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http://pantip.com/topic/35683587(Her interview with 9entertain)
Kwan's mom keeps saying she wants the issue to be between family but she keeps giving phone interviews about it nonstop. She says Kwan is irresponsible with money. Kwan went abroad and max out her credit cards, spending over a million baht. Kwan spends wastefully on brand name items and like to dine at fancy restaurants. Sometimes Kwan would spend 20,000 baht on just one meal. She says the house, car, and money sent to support Kaew studying abroad was willingly given by Kwan. She didn't ask for it. She says it's Kwan's money so she understands that Kwan can do anything she wishes with it. She says the money is in her name but after she dies we all know who will get the money. She says Kwan is suddenly changing because of that new friend in her life. Kwan used to be a good daughter but now the daughter who used to listen to her has changed. She says she saw Kwan's interview and she's sad that Kwan is demanding her money back.

Man, she not only blindly love one daughter more than other she's also deaf. Kwan didn't say a word about wanting her money back. And with everything being under the mom's name, if she doesn't make a will giving everything to Kwan, by law everything under her name will be split evenly between her two daughters after her death. Perhaps, this is the reason why she's so scared of Kwan wanting Independence. She's afraid of not being able to do whatever she wants with Kwan's money.

And here's her third interview. Man, this old woman just won't stop. Now, she says the issue is not about money but it's about her not being able to contact Kwan. She says she have always managed Kwan's money but now Kwan demanded a change, why, who does Kwan wanna manage her money. She says she kept the money for Kwan to use only and if Kwan wants money to do her lipstick business she should come and ask her for it and she'll give it to Kwan. Umm, Kwan asked already and you refused. When asks if she's still giving Kwan a monthly allowance of 40,000 baht, she laughs and says, $400,000. As for people scolding her, she's not upset because being born in this world anyone can be scolded. She feels indifferent and has come to terms with it because she considers herself as having merit.

And here's her latest interview, Kwan is home now so they'll have a talk. Kwan's mom says if she hits Kwan, will the fanclub call the police to have her arrested. Hit Kwan for what? Can't you talk nicely with her? Kwan's mom is mental.

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Mental just like her older daughter. This woman is missing a few screws. No where did I hear Kwan ask for her money, she kept saying she will continue to support her family and is willing to do it from scratch.

You know, I wish her sister would make her IG public so I could go share my two sense lol

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The news said, Kaew straight up said that when she was still in school, she didnt "leech off" Kwan's money to support her oversea education. However netizen went back to the interview with the father several years ago and the father said that Kwan supported her sister and sent her abroad and was the main breadwinner of the family. BUSTED rofl. I remember watching that because he said he was really proud of Kwan for doing that. Plus, the mom said Kwan loves to eat expensively at fancy restaurants, but netizens went thru her ig and kwan has photos of her eating lots of street food. Nothing expensive.

This is definitely a Cinderella life. Her mom and sister are definitely two leeches just sucking all the blood off the host.

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Man Kwan should just marry golf and move out lol. I think Kwan just need a push from someone that truly believe in her to be an independent woman. As long as she has the two leeches trying to suck her dry...at the end Kwan is not going to have much.

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I feel so bad for Kwan. She works so hard for her money and she can't even use it freely. As for her sister, Kaew, never work hard a day in life. Whatever she wants to do she is supported by her sister but is in denial. How sad! Like, why can you go off and do as you please and get married off and your sister can't do nothing. It's her life. She even gave you her business that she started so you can have income. As for her mom, I don't even know where to start. She needs to understand that kwan is not a little girl no more. You cannot control her life forever. Letting go of one child to let them do as they please why keeping a tight leash on another because they are financial supporting you is not ok. Kwan is capable of working and taking care of you as she did before. Nothing will change. And why ask for sympathy when your broadcasting your family business out for the public to see. What parent would do that to their child. I don't care if you can't reach your child. But sharing it on ig and expecting it to not cause a problem is just pathetic. Obviously it is because she's in the public eye.

Either way I hope they work it out. And let her live her life. What she wants to do just let her do it. She earned it unlike a certain someone who got handed everything to and act out in public but won't apologize for their own action and let the parent do it for them is pathetic itself especially when you are grown.

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I don't think Kwan should have to break up with Golf to please her mother and sister. Even though I was skeptics about their relationship in the beginning. From her interview it made scene when she said she is 30 and she works so hard since she was 3 but she have nothing to show.

So I guess all the gossips coming about Golf and Kwan relationship might come from her mom and sister.

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  On 10/10/2016 at 8:15 PM, Pikachu said:

Her mom isn't doing this out of love but greed. She said it herself that she wants her money.

See, even though I read that, I can't picture a mom who does not love her child. Must be because my mother always put us first... Now the thing that makes us happiest is to be able to give back to her!

This is why i=I always thought that even if you're selfish, you should be nice to people so that they will be nice to you later!

Anyway, the more I read about this situation, the more upset I am: her sister is out of control!! How can she deny using Kwan's money when the dad said so and she now has a hold of Kwan's company???? Some people are downright shameless!!

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I guess the sister left Thailand. Before Kwan's interview Lukkaew could talk craps about kwan's behaviors but now she can't. Since Kwan came straight out and said she gave the skin business to her sister. And the part she contradicted herself about study abroad with Kwan's money.

Through all the interviews I think Lukkaew is not fully there in the head or the mother trying to compensate her because Kwan is a lot prettier and talent sister.

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