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I get those alot, especially placing ads next to my videos, mute or just blocked to alot of countries because of music copyright, but I've never have one that needs to be remove etc, dunno if there is such things lol, Oil-Ae & Dan lakorn had ALOT of copyright music omg I'm like this lakorn doesn't have its own music but just get it off America CDs lolz like in almost all parts of every episode, quite annoying, but there was no action taken just ads.

Oh I don't think I will like to upload a whole lakorn onto YT in one go, like p'Noiki said the whole episode will be muted if there's a copyright song in there, plus I think I like it that its split into a few parts because we know which part has which scene and we see a few thumbnails for that episode, if you know what I mean hehe good for people that wanna watch certain scenes or parts

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my cousin usually upload teh lakorns for me at her house but when she's busy, she'll tell me to do it..like this week....and since u guys are talking about warning, i had to go check mines lolz...its some of the parts from Ngao Kammathep and Tur Gup Kao.....it just says it's blocked from these certain countries...it wont get deleted right...the video i mean

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  • 4 weeks later...

actually too long makes little sense either. nowadays ppl all go for high-resolution videos, my video cam took like 1920x1080p videos, then I compress it into 1080x720p (cuz the biggest size can only be fully viewed on a 42-inch LCD HD TV sth), and it still got like 22MB+ per minute. so 15-min is 300MB+ and you need very good luck to upload such a big file to youtube and nothing bad happens during this procedure...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a question, is the uplaoding more than 15 minutes thing temporary, or we can upload it now and always? because when i upload clips, there's always a notice saying i can upload more than 15 minutes but for the last 2 days, taht notice is gone

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  • 3 weeks later...

^ lol i'll tell y'all when it's deleted.. i'm probably going to split the lakorn and reup it again anyways lol.. XD i was happy when we could upload to 15.. i think that's the perfect timing.. 40 minutes seem too long.. ahaha.. what if you want to stop and have to load it all over again? lol..j/k j/k

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