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Lakorn songs Access?


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Yeah serious it's a waste of time to join a forum just to download. I join plenty of forums but I've rarely downloaded from them. If I do download it's probably something I don't have yet or checking it out to see if I actually want to purchase it -.-" Like some of us that uploads lakorns we have to pay monthly tri monthly yearly even though its not a big chunk of money but still we spend our money paying for the monthly subscriptions and we spend like 30-40 minutes recording it and then another 10-40 minutes uploading it .. and then someone just comes by and download it in less than 5 minutes and go away without leaving at least a thank you! It takes not even a second to type down thank you and they can't even do that.. if you can't thank the person supplying you with your stuff then maybe you shell out your own 30 bucks to watch lol ok I think I got into the moment lol but yeah .. if you're joining just to dl you are joining for the wrong reasons -.-"

Also, the excuse; "I'm underage and I don't have a credit card" DOESNT always work! When I was 15 I was able to subscribe to Obizgo and BBtv and stuff which is only 8 dollars a month and because I didn't want to use my parents money I went to a grocery store and bought one of those refillable credit cards that I used to pay for my subscriptions and when I need to fill it again I just go to an Ace Cash Express or any store that does it to fill it .. So if you're willing to work for what you want and think about other possibilties except oh I dont have a credit card you will find a solution after all I did ^__-"

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